Our Services

Our Services

Kitchen for Everyone York (KEY) is a registered charity providing meals to the homeless & vulnerable of York on a Wednesday evening and Sunday morning along with a Saturday and Monday evening outreach programme.

Man cooking breakfast

Every Sunday morning we cook a breakfast service. We provide breakfast sandwiches of eggs, bacon and sausages for our customers to take away.

Each service we get through around 50 eggs and over 70 sausages. Anyone in need can come along to St Saviourgate Church to pick up some food as well as other essentials such as soap, menstrual products and warm hats and gloves.

On a Wednesday evening we offer a hot meal to take away from St Saviourgate Church.

Each session we will offer a hot meal that can range from pasta, to burgers to curry. We try and ensure it is different week on week and is filling and nutritious. We also offer a dessert, anything from cheesecake to crumble. All cooked by our fantastic volunteers.

In addition to our cooked food we have an outreach service which we offer every Saturday and Monday.

Our volunteers go round the streets of York with a trolley full of crisps, snacks and warm clothing. In the summer we offer water and sun tan lotion.

In addition we have flasks of hot water and offer hot drinks to anyone in need (as well as pot noodles!)