Our Friends

Kitchen for Everyone York (KEY) work with lots of other charities and community groups around the city to support those in need. By working together we ensure that everyone gets help.

Carecent is a breakfast centre for all homeless, unemployed or otherwise socially excluded members of our community.

They provide food, clothing and fellowship in a friendly and non-judgemental environment. Their volunteer staff are always ready to listen and offer support and advice where possible. Where appropriate, they work with other agencies in order to move people forward to an improved lifestyle.


Bookcase For All provide books to the homeless and vulnerable across the city. They help people access books who otherwise might struggle. BFA have pop up book stalls at HOPING and keep bookcases full in Carecent and Union Terrace. They also help raise funds for causes through book sales.


Helping Other People in Need Group have a pop up street kitchen on a Sunday afternoon at Kings Manor. They provide a range of hot meals and drinks as well as offer essential items to anyone in need.
