KEY could not support the homeless & vulnerable of York without the support of both our partners and the general public who always respond to our appeals wholeheartedly and for this we are so very grateful.
Karen Harrison – Director
Amongst our partners are Ashtons Estate agents who have provided financial support, donations and a storage space within the city centre which has enabled us to store essential items that can be accessed easily and quickly when required. This space is invaluable to KEY and essential in us being able to support those in need.
Peter Docwra – Managing Director
Tesco York Extra Community Champions
We love working alongside the Tesco York Extra Community champions who have supported KEY for the last 6 months and continue to so by supplying essential items and supporting our Easter Egg appeal.
Caroline MacDonald & Petra Hilton, Tesco Community Champions
We work closely with Haxby Co-op who run donation appeals on behalf of KEY collecting in store and have supported a number of projects run by KEY such as our Christmas Gift Bag appeal and Easter egg appeal. Their support has been amazing over the last few months since starting to work with us and we are very grateful to Colin and his staff for being a part of what we do.
A big thank you to all!
In addition to the partners listed above we MUST say a huge thank you to each and every single individual who has ever supported KEY since its inception, we never cease to be amazed at the response we get from both those local to York and further afield whenever we make an appeal.
KEY is not limited to working with the organisations listed above and we are actively seeking other organisations with whom we can partner to help with future projects to help the local homeless & vulnerable community.
For more information please email us.